Performance characteristics of circular blades using high-speed steel as material

Tungsten steel slitting carbide discs, also known as tungsten steel single blades, are mainly used for cutting tapes, paper, films, gold, silver foil, copper foil, aluminum foil, tapes and other items, and finally cut the cut objects from a whole piece. The size requested by the customer is divided into many small pieces. Ordinary slitting blades are made of high-speed steel, while high-end slitting blades are made of high-quality tungsten steel material with high hardness, high strength, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and durability.

Powder metallurgy high-speed steel, also called powder high-speed steel, is a technology for making alloy powder. It has been developed for more than 25 years. Because this material has relatively good quality, many circular blade manufacturers now choose this material to make circular blades.

Round blade

The round blades made of powder metallurgy high-speed steel have the advantages of good toughness, high hardness, small heat treatment deformation, and good grindability. The round blade made of powder metallurgy high-speed steel can obtain extremely high hardness through special heat treatment, and can still maintain high hardness and high wear resistance at 550~600℃. If methods such as sintering densification or powder forging are used to directly produce circular blades with dimensions close to the finished product, it can save labor, materials and reduce production costs.

However, at present, the process of using powder metallurgy high-speed steel materials to manufacture circular blades in my country is not very mature, and the gap is still relatively large compared with foreign countries. Especially in terms of heat treatment, the core technology has not been fully mastered, so the hardness of the round blade will be repelled by the material, which will cause the round blade of powder metallurgy high-speed steel material to be brittle and crack due to insufficient hardness. We hope that we can continue to make progress in the future and better master the technology of manufacturing circular blades from powder metallurgy high-speed steel, so that the development of circular blades can further catch up with foreign technology.

Post time: Aug-06-2024